Differences and similarities between BGMI and PUGB Mobile

Hello, and welcome to my blog today, I will tell you what are the differences between the global version of PUBG mobile and battlegrounds mobile India.

Earlier, we have told you how can you join the early access program by a Battleground mobile India. Make sure to read that as we have also written how you can transfer your old ID of PUBG mobile into Battlegrounds mobile India.

PUBG mobile was banned by the Indian government the previous year, Due to its link with the Chinese gaming company Tencent, but Krafton the real owner of the pubg decided to cut off its ties with Tencent to solely publish their game in India.

So, almost a year later Krafton came up with the Indian versions of pubg mobile solely designed to follow all the Indian norms.

Similarities between BGMI AND PUBGM

Every map in pubg mobile is available in battlegrounds mobile India there is no change in the maps even the arena maps and payload mode is available on both the games.

Both games look exactly like each other but there are some changes in the matches whenever you knock a player in pubg mobile it says you've knocked the player but in the Battleground mobile India it says you are fitted on the player.

There are some additional warnings signs shown constantly in the game such as "this game is for representing applying purpose only none of the above connect to the rail in the world". This might be due to the violence related to the game.

Also according to the rumours, it is said that the pubg battlegrounds mobile India will start from season 1 whereas the Global version of pubg mobile is currently at season 19.

Also in the game, there will be no friends of yours. they will start to appear once they also install the app.

The major difference is that BGMI is an India-exclusive game like some other versions of the game.

which means that people from other countries will not match in BGMI.

What data transferred in BGMI?

As you know that with the release of the BGMI early access program it was also announced that you will be able to import your pubg mobile id into battleground mobile India.

we will tell you how much your data is imported in battleground mobile India 

so, all of your inventory is imported into this version of the game so you don't need to worry about your expensive clothes

but your clan and crew is not restored you need to create a new clan or crew or join any clan and crew

all your stats data is wiped off so that is the data that not restored in Battlegrounds mobile India


So, here are the difference and similarities between battlegrounds mobile India and pubg mobile.

future for BGMI looks bright as the game has already received more than 20 million preregistrations in only India within a month compared to the upcoming versions of the PUBG new state which received 17 million pre-registrations in 4 months.

The future of gaming in India seems bright 

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