The war between WhatsApp and Telegram has begun. You all know what WhatsApp is but, some people know. What are Telegram and they haven't ever heard of it?
Hello and welcome to my blog today I am going to tell you what Telegram is and is it better than WhatsApp will be comparing all the aspects which are required for messaging app if will be discussing what are the pros and cons of Telegram is it safe.
Telegram has more than 500 million active users that are a huge number but compared to WhatsApp's 1 billion active monthly users Telegram is still a half-mile away.
What is a telegram?
Telegram is a cross-platform messenger app it is an open-source application that anyone can modify Telegram was founded in 2013 by a popular Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov it was rolled out on iOS and Android devices but later is It started to support Mac and Windows.
You might be wondering So what's make Telegram so special
Telegram is an open-source privacy-focused Messenger App which compared to WhatsApp is a huge advantage as WhatsApp is owned by Facebook which uses your data to show you personalized ads.
Telegram also comes with a boatload of features better than WhatsApp that I will be explaining in this post.
Features of telegram
Telegram is an open-source application so anyone can say API and modify telegram.
It supports end-to-end encryption and secret chat so no one can see your chats not even employees of telegram but this feature is only available in secret Chats other chats can still be seen on other devices.
large file size limit 2GB of file can be sent which is way much higher compared to any other messaging app present today Whatsapp is file is limited to 16MB Skype Limited 300MB.
Also, Telegram files are uploaded in the cloud so you can see them on any device whether it is your Windows or phone.
Telegram comes with tons of customization options you can group your chat according to your preferences you can put it to work in a Single folder and personal to another folder.
You can design your home screen and chat screen from changing the chat theme to changing the font.
Telegrams come with lots of stickers. In the telegram, you can even customize your stickers add your own stickers Telegram has very attractive stickers in it and is free of Cost.
Telegram also supports self-destruct messages if you don't want your messages to be there you can set the predetermined period of your choice for a week or 2 weeks the message will automatically get deleted from both sides.
Voice chatting: Telegram has introduced a new feature called voice chatting in it is available in groups or in channels where you can join group voices in which you can talk. it's like calling but you can without any charges it uses your mobile data
Cons of telegram
One of the major disadvantages of Telegram is the new user announcement.
The main purpose of privacy is not to be found but with but whenever anyway joins Telegram it sends a message to everyone else in the contact list who has joined Telegram.
Telegram another disadvantage of Telegram is the lack of stories and status. now every social messaging app has stories status updates like Instagram, WhatsApp. but, Telegram has been behind in this you cannot put stories in telegram.
Telegram has not enough userbase, for now, the main purpose of messaging is to communicate but if the person is not on Telegram how can you communicate with them.
But, with increasing your base of Telegram this point may be irrelevant in the future. but for now, telegram doesn't have enough user-based or many people do not use Telegram as their messaging app.
Is it Telegram safe
Yes, you don't have to worry about privacy in Telegram and telegram's is based on privacy, unlike WhatsApp, it doesn't use your data personal information to store your personal that personalized ads
Using Telegram doesn't message mean your messages are more private it can be still hacked and if your phone's privacy is compromised.
It is also written on the FAQ page that they will not give any information to the government about chat in the Telegram app and if they haven't given any treatment contain now.
Is Telegram free?
Telegram free medicine businesses Face Down funding now for now
recently it was announced that Telegram is finding ways to monetize telegram
Did you know Telegram has not earned a single penny since its launch at most of its funding is done by its founder Pavel Durov is using his savings to run telegram?
Telegram is a mix of both privacy and some amazing features. but, the question remains the same should you use it or is it better than WhatsApp.
So Telegram is better in some ways than WhatsApp encryption features but, Also WhatsApp is better than Telegram in some ways it has a huge user base.
You can use Telegram if you care so much about your privacy and then believe that WhatsApp is not good for you then you can use Telegram as replacing app for WhatsApp
It has lots of features are available on telegram. you can also transfer your WhatsApp chats into Telegram easily.
What is the limit of a single file?
2GB base limit for a single file that can be sent.
Does Telegram remove content or sensor it
Yes, telegram removes content.
Is Telegram Russian?
The founder of the telegram is Russian but it doesn't have any links to the Russian government it is currently based in Dubai.
Does Telegram have group calls?
Yes, it supports group calls